Unclaimed Capital Credits
Verendrye Electric is a not-for-profit organization. That means any margins, or revenues remaining after all expenses have been paid, are returned to the members in proportion to their usage of the co-op’s services. To learn more about how capital credits work visit this page.
Over time capital credits are paid back to the members, but unfortunately some of them move away without providing a forwarding address. If you want to know if you or someone you know are owed capital credits, see the list below.
Listed below are names of former Verendrye Electric Cooperative, Inc. members who had capital credit checks mailed to them in June 2019. These checks have either been uncashed or returned to Verendrye Electric Cooperative by the postal service.
If your name is on this list, please contact our office. If you know of the whereabouts of any member on this list, please have them contact us. All capital credit inquiries can be made by calling 1-800-472-2141.
Notice is hereby given that any unclaimed capital credits outstanding following the notice given in the last month will be forfeited pursuant to Section 10-15-34.1 and 10-15-23 of the North Dakota Century Code.