Changes coming to Capital Credit payments
Verendrye Electric is making a change to how we pay capital credits to many of our members. Instead of mailing a check, many of you may see the capital credit refund applied as a bill credit on your June statement.
If you still want a paper check you can opt out by calling 701-852-0406 or e-mailing the office at prior to 5/1/25.
Verendrye mails thousands of checks each year. Many of those checks are returned, not cashed and some are lost in the mail or misplaced by members. By applying the refund to members’ bills, this will save the cooperative money for postage and time spent following up on lost or uncashed checks.
Verendrye Electric is a not-for-profit cooperative, which means you earn patronage through your purchases of electricity. The operating margin that is generated during the year - revenue less expenses – is allocated (non cash) to you based on the ratio of purchases of electricity to the total membership purchases. This is how you gain “ownership” in the cooperative. Capital Credits returned to you is the portion of your ownership Verendrye can afford to pay back in cash without causing financial stress.
For more information about capital credits visit this page