Caucus meetings set for April 8th, 9th and 10th
The annual District Nomination Caucus meetings for Verendrye Electric Cooperative, Inc. will be held April 8th, 9th and 10th, 2025 for the purpose of nominating directors for the election that will be held at Verendrye Electric Cooperative's annual membership meeting scheduled for June 12, 2025.
District caucus meetings are scheduled as follows:
EASTERN DISTRICT: April 8, 2025 – 12:00 noon, Drake City Hall, 123 Main St., Drake. This includes all members who live in Ranges 75, 76, 77 and all members who live in Sheridan, Pierce and Wells Counties.
CENTRAL DISTRICT: April 9, 2025 – 12:00 noon, Verendrye Electric Community Room, 615 Highway 52 West, Velva. This includes all members who live east of Highway 83, in Ranges 82 and 83, and all members who live in Range 78 of McHenry County, and all members who live in Ranges 79, 80 and 81. This means all members living east of Highway 83 and west of the eastern district.
WESTERN DISTRICT: April 10, 2025 – 12:00 noon, Berthold Sportsmen’s Club, 214 Main St. N., Berthold. This district includes all members who live west of Highway 83, in Ranges 82 and 83, and all members who live in Ranges 84, 85, 86 and 87. This means all members living west of Highway 83.
The names of all persons nominated at these meetings will be placed on the ballot for election at the annual membership meeting June 12. Nominations can also be made by petition. Contact the Velva office to obtain a petition and signature rules. Completed petitions must be received at our Velva office by noon on your district’s caucus meeting day. Elected directors will serve for a period of three years.
Present directors whose terms of office expire this year are:
EASTERN DISTRICT: Blaine Bruner, Drake
CENTRAL DISTRICT: Clint Gjellstad, Velva
WESTERN DISTRICT: Karen Hennessy, Des Lacs
A complimentary noon lunch will be served at all the caucus meetings. All members are encouraged to attend any district's caucus/information meeting. Actual director nominations, however, must be made at the appropriate district’s caucus meeting.